Specialist Behavioral Support:
We offer bespoke support for individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism who require specialized assistance due to additional needs, including mental health conditions, challenging behaviors, and forensic backgrounds. Our person-centered approach emphasizes choice, control, and flexibility, reflecting our alignment with the Transforming Care National Service Model.
Successful Community Integration: Working closely with individuals and their support networks, we facilitate a smooth transition from secure and inpatient settings back into their communities. Our collaborative efforts with Transforming Care Partnerships have led to innovative preventive solutions to reduce hospital admissions.
Strategic Transition Planning: We collaborate with local partners to develop and implement transition plans that address the unique needs of each individual and promote effective risk management. By focusing on early intervention, prevention, and discharge planning, we ensure individuals receive the right support at the right time.
Comprehensive Support Solutions: Our range of solutions includes step-up support for individuals at risk of hospital admission, provided by highly skilled teams in safe environments. We prioritize preventative interventions and work in partnership to facilitate a return to previous settings or explore alternative community-based solutions when appropriate.
Empowering Pathways to Independence: Through our step-down solutions, we offer a clear pathway to supported living and community support. This includes transitional support for individuals transitioning from inpatient settings to the community, promoting the development of independent living skills, community connections, and access to local activities. We source and adapt housing to meet individual needs and prioritize health action planning in collaboration with local health services, demonstrating our commitment to the STOMP pledge.
Proactive Risk Management: We understand the importance of managing risks effectively. Therefore, we actively engage with the individuals we support, their families, and professionals to develop contingency management plans that anticipate and address potential challenges, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved.